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Query for and Modify Valid or Invalid Documents

On this page

  • Examples
  • Define a Schema Object
  • Find Documents that Match the Schema
  • Find Documents that Don't Match the Schema
  • Update Documents that Don't Match the Schema
  • Delete Documents that Don't Match the Schema
  • Learn More

If you add validation to your collection after you create it, or modify an existing validation schema, you may have invalid documents in your collection. Similarly, if your schema's validationAction is warn, your collection is allowed to contain invalid documents. You can query for invalid documents to potentially update or delete them from your collection.

To find documents that either match or don't match a specified schema, use $jsonSchema with query operators. Similarly, you can update or delete documents based on a schema by using $jsonSchema in query conditions for write operations.

Create a sample collection inventory with the following documents:

db.inventory.insertMany( [
{ item: "journal", qty: 25, size: { h: 14, w: 21, unit: "cm" }, instock: true },
{ item: "notebook", qty: 50, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: "in" }, instock: true },
{ item: "paper", qty: 100, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: "in" }, instock: 1 },
{ item: "apple", qty: 45, status: "A", instock: true },
{ item: "pears", qty: 50, status: "A", instock: true }
] )

Define a sample schema object and store it in a variable called myschema:

let myschema =
$jsonSchema: {
required: [ "item", "qty", "instock" ],
properties: {
item: { bsonType: "string" },
qty: { bsonType: "int" },
size: {
bsonType: "object",
required: [ "unit" ],
properties: {
unit: { bsonType: "string" },
h: { bsonType: "double" },
w: { bsonType: "double" }
instock: { bsonType: "bool" }

The schema enforces the following validation:

  • Required fields:

    • item must be BSON type string.

    • qty must be BSON type integer.

    • instock must be BSON type boolean.

  • size, if present:

    • Must be BSON type object.

    • Must include unit as a required string field.

    • If the embedded h and w fields are present, they must be type double.

These commands return all documents that match the schema:

db.inventory.aggregate( [ { $match: myschema } ] )

Both commands return the same result:

_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a3"),
item: 'apple',
qty: 45,
status: 'A',
instock: true
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a4"),
item: 'pears',
qty: 50,
status: 'A',
instock: true

To find documents in a collection that don't match the schema validation rules, use $jsonSchema with the $nor operator. For example:

db.inventory.find( { $nor: [ myschema ] } )


// Neither size.h nor size.w are type double
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f79e"),
item: 'journal',
qty: 25,
size: { h: 14, w: 21, unit: 'cm' },
instock: true
// size.w is not a double
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f79f"),
item: 'notebook',
qty: 50,
size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: 'in' },
instock: true
// size.w is not a double and instock is not a boolean
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a0"),
item: 'paper',
qty: 100,
size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: 'in' },
instock: 1

This command updates all documents that don't match the schema and sets the documents' isValid field to false:

$nor: [ myschema ]
$set: { isValid: false }

To verify the update, query the collection:



_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f79e"),
item: 'journal',
qty: 25,
size: { h: 14, w: 21, unit: 'cm' },
instock: true,
isValid: false
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f79f"),
item: 'notebook',
qty: 50,
size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: 'in' },
instock: true,
isValid: false
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a0"),
item: 'paper',
qty: 100,
size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, unit: 'in' },
instock: 1,
isValid: false
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a3"),
item: 'apple',
qty: 45,
status: 'A',
instock: true
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a4"),
item: 'pears',
qty: 50,
status: 'A',
instock: true

This command deletes all documents that don't match the schema:

db.inventory.deleteMany( { $nor: [ myschema ] } )

To verify the update, query the collection:



_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a3"),
item: 'apple',
qty: 45,
status: 'A',
instock: true
_id: ObjectId("62b5cd5a14b92d148400f7a4"),
item: 'pears',
qty: 50,
status: 'A',
instock: true


Modify Rules