New in version 7.0: Returns a document containing statistics of a currently running Stream Processor on the current Stream Processing Instance.
This method is supported in Atlas Stream Processing Instances.
The sp.processor.stats()
method has the following syntax:
sp.processor.stats( { options: { scale: <int>, verbose: <boolean> } } )
Command Fields
takes these fields:
Field | Type | Necessity | Description |
| object | Optional | Object defining various optional settings for your statistics report. |
| integer | Optional | Unit to use for the size of items described in the
output. If set to |
| boolean | Optional | Flag that specifies the verbosity level of the output
document. If set to |
returns a document containing statistics about
the specified stream processor to STDOUT
. These statistics include
but are not limited to:
The number of messages ingested and processed
The total size of all input and output
The amount of memory used to store processor state
You can only invoke sp.processor.stats()
on a currently running
stream processor. If you try to invoke this command on a stopped stream
processor, mongosh
will return an error.
Access Control
The user running sp.processor.stats()
must have the
The following example shows an expected response from calling
to get the statistics of a stream processor
called solarDemo
{ ok: 1, ns: '6500aa277fdbdb6e443a992e.63c1928d768e39423386aa16.solarDemo', stats: { name: 'solarDemo', processorId: '65f9fea5c5154385174af71e', status: 'running', scaleFactor: Long('1'), inputMessageCount: Long('926'), inputMessageSize: 410310, outputMessageCount: Long('383'), outputMessageSize: 425513, dlqMessageCount: Long('0'), dlqMessageSize: Long('0'), stateSize: Long('4504'), watermark: ISODate('2024-03-19T22:16:49.523Z'), ok: 1 }, pipeline: [ { '$source': { connectionName: 'sample_stream_solar', timeField: { '$dateFromString': { dateString: '$timestamp' } } } }, { '$match': { '$expr': { '$ne': [ '$device_id', 'device_8' ] } } }, { '$tumblingWindow': { interval: { size: 10, unit: 'second' }, pipeline: [ { '$group': { _id: [Object], max_temp: [Object], max_watts: [Object], min_watts: [Object], avg_watts: [Object], median_watts: [Object] } } ] } }, { '$merge': { into: { connectionName: 'mongodb1', db: 'solar_db', coll: 'solar_coll' }, on: [ '_id' ] } } ] }